Why Do Bananas Split? (3 Banana-Splitting Facts)

Ripe overripe organic bananas on concrete background

It’s a question on every yellow-fruit-loving person’s mind, why do bananas split? We’ve all been there. You reach for your favorite fruit treat, and you notice a long split down the side. Well, that split certainly wasn’t there when you bought it. And your banana was definitely in one piece …

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Is It Acceptable to Break Off Bananas at the Store?

A vibrant and colorful hero image featuring a person confidently breaking off a banana from a bunch at a grocery store

It’s something that I’ve worried about for years, can you break off bananas at the store? I’m sure it’s not just me that approaches breaking off bananas with stealth-like military precision. There’s almost a sense of guilt as I look around to ensure no one’s watching me. And then, I …

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Is the Black Tip of a Banana Safe to Eat?

A monkey holding a banana in its hand, with its fingers carefully peeling back the skin from the black tip of the banana

I bet you have never really paid attention to the structure of a banana in your eagerness to eat it! However, if you look at it carefully, you might wonder, what is the black tip of a banana called? Let’s find out, and then you can amuse your friends with …

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