Timing the Perfect Red Banana Ripeness! (Solved!)

So, you want to know how long does it take for red bananas to ripen?

There’s nothing like a bit of variety when it comes to eating bananas.

And I don’t know about you, but I’m always attracted to the different colors of bananas.

In fact, it wasn’t long before I became slightly obsessed with red bananas.

However, something that I always felt was that it was very difficult to determine exactly how long red bananas take to ripen.

But it wasn’t long before I learned the specific signs to look out for.

So, in this article, I’d like to discuss how long it takes for red bananas to ripen, plus a few other ripening tips.

From Green to Gourmet: Red Bananas’ Rapid Ripening Revealed

Red bananas will generally take two to three days to ripen. However, red bananas typically keep for longer than yellow bananas and may last for two to 10 days when stored at room temperature. That being said, red bananas are also notorious for NOT ripening, and various stores and supermarkets are forced to pull unripe red bananas from their shelves on a regular basis. A red banana that isn’t going to ripen usually remains hard and just goes black.

How Can I Tell When a Red Banana is Ripe?

Firstly, I think it’s important to note a couple of points.

Red bananas will ripen differently from the traditional yellow banana.

Plus, when it comes to bananas, red, yellow, or otherwise, not everyone has the same palette when it comes to what they consider ripe.

What I mean by this is that some people prefer to have a squishy banana with black spots on the outside.

However, others will prefer a firmer banana with a tinge of green.

Therefore, one person’s idea of ripeness may not be to another’s taste.

That being said, there are a few things you should look out for to test the ripeness of your red bananas.

Red bananas will typically have a greenish tint, much the same as yellow bananas when they are first delivered to stores.

Once more, the same as a yellow banana, the green will start to disappear as the banana ripens.

Now, red bananas will change color as they start ripening, although the color could be slightly different depending on the variety of red bananas you have purchased.

I have generally noticed that red bananas tend to go purple or even a slightly lighter red color as they ripen.

However, I know others have described red bananas as turning slightly orange when they’re ripe.

That being said, you simply want to see the color of red bananas changing, which is part of the ripening process.

Furthermore, you may also notice some yellow on your red bananas, although this is usually found at the ends of the banana.

Finally, red bananas will also blacken slightly, but don’t expect the same black spots most typically associated with yellow bananas.

In fact, this is similar to the black bruising you’ll typically see on yellow bananas too.

How Do You Ripen Red Bananas Quickly?

You can actually help red bananas ripen quicker.

In fact, the same is true of yellow bananas and even those of different colors.

Now, when it comes to bananas and ripening, ethylene is an extremely important gas, both externally and internally, to a banana.

What I mean by this is that bananas, irrespective of color, produce ethylene gas.

In fact, this is generally an indication that a banana is ready to ripen, as ethylene literally surges through the fruit.

Furthermore, bananas still attached to the plant are often treated with ethylene gas in order to induce the ripening process.

So, if you’re looking to ripen red bananas quickly, you can literally use ethylene gas to your advantage.

The easiest way to do this is to place your bananas in a brown bag and close it loosely.

This will cause a build-up of ethylene, which will then circulate throughout the bag, thus spreading to all the bananas.

In effect, you are self-treating the bananas with ethylene, which of course, will speed up the ripening process.

You can speed up the process even more by storing the bag in a warm location.

I would also advise you to regularly check inside the bag until your red bananas are at the ripeness that you prefer.

This process could take anywhere from 12 hours up to a couple of days, depending on how ripe the bananas were to start off with.

You can also test this by touch and smell, as red bananas will soften and give off a sweet smell as they ripen.

Finally, many ripening fruits produce ethylene, so you could actually use them in tandem to speed up the ripening process.

As an example, adding apples, pears, or avocados to your bag of red bananas will produce even more ethylene, thus helping your bananas to ripen more quickly.

? Banana Bonanza: A Fruitful Comparison ?

Type of BananaYellow BananasRed BananasPlantains
Average Ripening Time2-5 days3-5 days5-7 days
Flavor ProfileSweet, classic banana flavorSweet with a hint of raspberryStarchy, less sweet, used in cooking
Popular UsesRaw eating, smoothies, banana breadDesserts, fruit salads, exotic dishesFried dishes, stews, chips
Brought to You by whatbanana.com

How to Enjoy Red Bananas

Red bananas are a delicious and nutritious fruit that can be enjoyed in many ways.

They are similar to yellow bananas, but they have a sweeter flavor and a hint of raspberry.

Ripeness Before you can eat a red banana, you need to make sure it is ripe.

A ripe red banana will have a deep purple or maroon skin and may show some brown spots.

The skin should also be soft to the touch.

Peeling To peel a red banana, hold it in your hand with the stem facing upwards.

Gently pinch the top of the stem and pull downwards.

The skin of a ripe red banana peels back easily, revealing the creamy, sweet flesh inside.

Eating Red bananas can be eaten raw, straight out of the peel.

They can also be sliced into rounds or lengthwise and added to cereal, yogurt, or smoothies.

For a special treat, try caramelizing red banana slices in a pan with a dab of honey or maple syrup.


  • Red bananas are best eaten at room temperature.
  • If you are not going to eat a red banana right away, you can store it in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
  • Red bananas are a good source of potassium, which is important for muscle function.

The Real Difference Between Red and Yellow Bananas

  • Red bananas, unlike their yellow counterparts, have a unique ripening process that can be quicker under the right conditions, much like how an avocado ripens rapidly when stored with apples.
  • Ideal ripening occurs at room temperature, similar to how tomatoes are best ripened on the counter rather than in the fridge.
  • To speed up the ripening, placing red bananas in a paper bag works like a charm, akin to the classic method used for softening peaches.
  • The color change from deep purple to a more reddish or maroon hue signals ripeness, reminiscent of how a plum changes color as it ripens.
  • The texture and flavor of ripe red bananas are distinct and sweeter, much like how a ripe mango offers a more intense flavor compared to its unripe state.

Final Thoughts

So, as you can see, it typically takes around 2-3 days for red bananas to ripen.

That being said, red bananas are also notorious for not ripening; typically, they remain hard and just go black.

In fact, many stores and supermarkets find that they’re having to pull unripe red bananas from the shelves.

However, if you find that your red bananas aren’t ripening, then you can speed the process along.

Simply place your bananas in a brown bag and allow the release of ethylene gas to speed up the ripening process.

And although you might see the red version of the fruit as a bit odd, what makes bananas yellow anyway?


  1. How long does it typically take for red bananas to ripen? Red bananas usually ripen in about 3 to 5 days when kept at room temperature.
  2. Can I ripen red bananas faster? Yes, placing red bananas in a paper bag with an apple or a tomato can speed up the ripening process, typically taking 1-2 days.
  3. How can I tell when a red banana is fully ripe? A ripe red banana will have a deep red or maroon color and may show some brown spots, similar to the ripeness indicators of yellow bananas.
  4. Is the taste of a ripe red banana different from a yellow banana? Yes, ripe red bananas are generally sweeter and creamier than yellow bananas, with a hint of raspberry-like flavor.

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